Briefing on EU priority project TMNHSA threatening Lower Danube ecosystem

Briefing on EU priority project TMNHSA threatening Lower Danube ecosystem

RACE has co-signed the enclosed letter, which has been sent on the 13th of
September to S&D member of the ITRE Committee of the European Parliament.

On behalf of more than 35 NGOs, we are sending you the attached letter concerning
a  delegated act  sent to the European Parliament on 24/07 for a two-month scrutiny
period, which expires on 24/09.

This delegated act adds new projects to a list of cross-border renewable energy
projects eligible for EU funding under the Connecting Europe Facility. However, this
delegated act was sent in the middle of Summer when the European Parliament was
not yet in marching order – it did not give sufficient time to the Parliament to properly
scrutinise the list.

One of the new projects, a hydropower plant on the Danube river at the Romanian-
Bulgarian border (“TMNHSA (BG-RO) Project – The Turnu Magurele-Nikopol
Hydraulic Structures Assembly”) – is rising serious concerns because of the
economic, social and environmental consequences of its implementation, many of
identified as early as the 1980s when the project was already proposed, and then
stopped. More details can be found in the letter and briefing enclosed.

Should you need any further details, please feel free to contact:
Claire Baffert, WWF European Policy Office, cbaffert@wwf.eu


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