Nature priorities for the new EU Mandate

Nature priorities for the new EU Mandate; Proposals from the European Habitats Forum for the European Commission and Parliament”. On the 25th of June we spoke as EHF with the European Commission and explained the headlines of our position paper. Click here to see the paper.

Letter EU Nature Restoration Law

In a letter to the European Commission (Frans Timmermans) we  congratulate the EC on the proposal for a Regulation on Nature Restoration. We are especially content that the regulation is not limited to the Natura 2000 network, but also urges the Member States to put in place restoration measures in areas outside Natura 2000. We urge to add a paragraph […]

Peatland restoration

The members of the European Habitats Forum, in which RACE take part, call upon the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to adopt the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) in a timely manner, to strengthen key aspects of the proposal to meet the urgency of the twin climate and biodiversity crises, and to ensure implementable and enforceable targets. We […]

Restore Nature Campaign

We are thrilled to inform you that the #RestoreNature campaign (jointly supported by BirdLife, EEB and WWF EPO) is ready for lift off this Wednesday, the 3rd of March at 9:00 AM CET. The website is available in: EnglishFrenchSpanishDutchGermanItalian You can participate in this campaign even if you are from a non-EU country! We have 1 month to get 100 000 signatures and send a powerful message […]

The Nature Protection Commitments in the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy

As part of the European Habitat Forum (EHF), RACE along with 17 other members have supported the attached position statement on the nature protection commitments regarding the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy. Main goals formulated: Member States need to politically endorse the nature protection commitments in the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy and commit to their implementation.Improving the management effectiveness and actual […]

Salamandra atra aurorae in immediate danger due to deforestation!

An urgent call has been made to protect the forests in the Venetian Alps – more concretely the area of the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni, the only habitat of one of Europe’s most endangered amphibians, the Golden alpine salamander (Salamandra atra aurorae). After storm Vaia devastated the forests in the region, back in 2018, the local Government engaged in further […]

RACE to join letter to EC

Matt Shardlow (Buglife) has sent a letter on behalf of 30 conservation organisations (including RACE) to Frans Timmermans of the European Commission regarding the European Parliament resolution of 18 December 2019 on the EU pollinators initiative (2019/2803(RSP). Click below to see the document: http:/